I hold a PhD from the Australian Centre on China in the World at the Australian National University and graduated in December 2017.


My dissertation is a cultural history of the origins of New Age religion in Taiwan, focussing on the works of Terry Hu 胡因夢/胡茵夢 and C.C. Wang 王季慶. I have a broader interest in religion in China, in particular New Religious Movements 新興宗教.


In 2016 I was based in Taiwan as part of the Taiwan Fellowship and was also a visiting scholar at the Institute of Ethnology 民族所, Academia Sinica 中央研究院. In November 2017 I was a visiting scholar at Peking University.


In 2018 I published the bi-lingual The Australia-China Council: The First Forty Years 澳中理事會四十週年.


I am a co-editor of the China Story Yearbook: Power, published in April 2019 by the ANU Press.